“We’re ready to design, build, and commission you a great plant . . . wherever you are!”
Raj Mosali, President
Sabrina Pennington, CFO
Ian Lawson, COO
Sales & Marketing
(937) 308-1230
845 North Main Street,
Miamisburg, OH 45342
(937) 663-3010
In 2015 Jatro Renewables moved to ”supercritical” technology and this eliminated the need for esterification and the use of a catalyst. Also, unlike the traditional process, distillation is added at the end to purify and render a clear biodiesel.
Jatro Renewables’ “traditional” biodiesel equipment at Vanguard Synfuels, Pollock , LA (2010). The above esterification system (using methanol and sulfuric acid as the catalyst) converts the feedstock’s free fatty acid (FFA) into biodiesel and will handle up to 15% FFA. The balance of the feedstock will be transesterified into biodiesel (using sodium hydroxide as the catalyst and methanol). All but about 11% of the methanol is recovered and re-processed to be used again.
Within 3 about years we anticipate the main feedstock will be biocrude. This oil is derived from multiple biomass sources, but with a common thread: they are all cellulosic-based and deliver up to about 80% less harmful emissions than #2 diesel. Wood chips and switch grass are two examples of cellulosic biomass. Additionally, under the EPA’s Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), the Renewable Identification Number (RIN) becomes a Cellulosic Diesel D7 RIN with a current (4/18) value of about $2.78/gallon.
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Copyright 2020 Jatro Renewables, Inc. | 845 North Main Street,
Miamisburg (Dayton), OH 453422
(937) 308-1230